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Upgrade Palette VerteX Installed with Kubernetes

This guide takes you through the process of upgrading a self-hosted Palette VerteX instance installed with Helm on Kubernetes.


Before upgrading Palette VerteX to a new major version, you must first update it to the latest patch version of the latest minor version available. Refer to the Supported Upgrade Paths section for details.

If your setup includes a PCG, you must also allow the PCG to upgrade automatically before each major or minor Palette VerteX upgrade.


  • kubectl and helm available in your system.

  • Access to the kubeconfig file of the target Kubernetes cluster. You must be able to interact with the cluster through kubectl and have sufficient permissions to upgrade Palette VerteX. We recommend using a role with the cluster-admin permissions.

  • unzip or a similar tool available in your system.

  • Access to the latest Palette VerteX Helm Chart. Refer to Access Palette VerteX for more details.



Depending on your underlying infrastructure provider and Kubernetes distribution, you may need to modify these steps to match your environment.

  1. Open a terminal session and navigate to the directory with the Palette VerteX installation zip file. Unzip the file to a palette-install directory.

    unzip release-*.zip -d palette-install
  2. Navigate to the release directory inside palette-install.

    cd palette-install/charts/release-*
  3. Update the cert-manager chart using the following command.

    helm upgrade --values extras/cert-manager/values.yaml \
    cert-manager extras/cert-manager/cert-manager-*.tgz --install

    You should receive an output similar to the following.

    Release "cert-manager" has been upgraded. Happy Helming!
    NAME: cert-manager
    LAST DEPLOYED: Thu Feb 22 19:42:33 2024
    NAMESPACE: default
    STATUS: deployed
    TEST SUITE: None
  4. Prepare the Palette VerteX configuration file values.yaml. If you saved values.yaml used during the Palette VerteX installation, you can reuse it for the upgrade. Alternatively, follow the Kubernetes Installation Instructions to populate your values.yaml.


    Ensure that the values.yaml file is ready before proceeding. If you're using a self-hosted OCI registry, make sure that the ociImageRegistry.mirrorRegistries parameter in your values.yaml includes the necessary mirror links.

  5. If you are using a self-hosted OCI registry, upgrade the image-swap chart with the following command. Point to the palette/values.yaml file from step four.

    helm upgrade --values palette/values.yaml \
    image-swap extras/image-swap/image-swap-*.tgz --install

    You should receive an output similar to the following.

    Release "image-swap" has been upgraded. Happy Helming!
    NAME: image-swap
    LAST DEPLOYED: Thu Feb 22 19:44:13 2024
    NAMESPACE: default
    STATUS: deployed
    TEST SUITE: None
  6. If you are upgrading a Palette VerteX instance in an environment that requires network proxy configuration, upgrade the reach-system chart with the following command. Point to the palette/values.yaml file from step four.

    helm upgrade --values palette/values.yaml \
    reach-system extras/reach-system/reach-system-\*.tgz --install

    You should receive an output similar to the following.

    Release "reach-system" has been upgraded. Happy Helming!
    NAME: reach-system
    LAST DEPLOYED: Thu Feb 22 19:47:10 2024
    NAMESPACE: default
    STATUS: deployed
    TEST SUITE: None
  7. Upgrade Palette VerteX with the following command.

    helm upgrade --values palette/values.yaml \
    hubble palette/spectro-mgmt-plane-\*.tgz --install

    You should receive an output similar to the following.

    Release "hubble" has been upgraded. Happy Helming!
    NAME: hubble
    LAST DEPLOYED: Thu Feb 22 20:05:24 2024
    NAMESPACE: default
    STATUS: deployed
    TEST SUITE: None
  8. Use the following command to track the upgrade process.

    kubectl get pods --all-namespaces --watch

    For a more user-friendly experience, consider using K9s or a similar tool to track the upgrade.

    The upgrade usually takes up to five minutes. Palette VerteX is upgraded when the deployments in the namespaces cp-system, hubble-system, ingress-nginx, jet-system , and ui-system are in the Ready status.


  1. In your terminal, issue the following command.

    helm ls

    You should receive an output with the version and other details of the currently deployed apps. Check the App Version column of cert-manager, image-swap, reach-system, and hubble to verify that they have the expected versions.

    NAME        	NAMESPACE	REVISION	UPDATED                             	STATUS  	CHART                   	APP VERSION
    cert-manager default 2 2024-02-22 19:42:33.776829 +0100 CET deployed cert-manager-1.11.0 1.11.0
    image-swap default 2 2024-02-22 19:44:13.209592 +0100 CET deployed image-swap-v1.5.2-spectro-4.1.1 1.5.2
    reach-system default 2 2024-02-22 19:47:10.558061 +0100 CET deployed reach-system-4.2.0 4.2.0
    hubble default 2 2024-02-22 19:47:24.085305 +0100 CET deployed spectro-mgmt-plane-4.2.7 4.2.7
  2. Issue the following command to verify that the Palette VerteX clusters work as expected.

    kubectl get pods --all-namespaces --output custom-columns="NAMESPACE:metadata.namespace,,STATUS:status.phase" \
    | grep -E '^(cp-system|hubble-system|ingress-nginx|jet-system|ui-system)\s'

    The command should return a list of deployments in the cp-system, hubble-system, ingress-nginx, jet-system, and ui-system namespaces. All deployments should have the status Running.

    cp-system       spectro-cp-ui-689984f88d-54wsw             Running
    hubble-system auth-85b748cbf4-6drkn Running
    hubble-system auth-85b748cbf4-dwhw2 Running
    hubble-system cloud-fb74b8558-lqjq5 Running
    hubble-system cloud-fb74b8558-zkfp5 Running
    hubble-system configserver-685fcc5b6d-t8f8h Running
    hubble-system event-68568f54c7-jzx5t Running
    hubble-system event-68568f54c7-w9rnh Running
    hubble-system foreq-6b689f54fb-vxjts Running
    hubble-system hashboard-897bc9884-pxpvn Running
    hubble-system hashboard-897bc9884-rmn69 Running
    hubble-system hutil-6d7c478c96-td8q4 Running
    hubble-system hutil-6d7c478c96-zjhk4 Running
    hubble-system mgmt-85dbf6bf9c-jbggc Running
    hubble-system mongo-0 Running
    hubble-system mongo-1 Running
    hubble-system mongo-2 Running
    hubble-system msgbroker-6c9b9fbf8b-mcsn5 Running
    hubble-system oci-proxy-7789cf9bd8-qcjkl Running
    hubble-system packsync-28205220-bmzcg Succeeded
    hubble-system spectrocluster-6c57f5775d-dcm2q Running
    hubble-system spectrocluster-6c57f5775d-gmdt2 Running
    hubble-system spectrocluster-6c57f5775d-sxks5 Running
    hubble-system system-686d77b947-8949z Running
    hubble-system system-686d77b947-cgzx6 Running
    hubble-system timeseries-7865bc9c56-5q87l Running
    hubble-system timeseries-7865bc9c56-scncb Running
    hubble-system timeseries-7865bc9c56-sxmgb Running
    hubble-system user-5c9f6c6f4b-9dgqz Running
    hubble-system user-5c9f6c6f4b-hxkj6 Running
    ingress-nginx ingress-nginx-controller-2txsv Running
    ingress-nginx ingress-nginx-controller-55pk2 Running
    ingress-nginx ingress-nginx-controller-gmps9 Running
    jet-system jet-6599b9856d-t9mr4 Running
    ui-system spectro-ui-76ffdf67fb-rkgx8 Running