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Generic Virtual Machines Libvirt

Generic-VM-Libvirt is a Palette Add-on pack used to simplify deploying the virtual machine applications from a cluster profile or a system profile. Generic-VM-Libvirt extracts all Terraform constructs inside the pack and exposes nothing but the values. Users will then have the ability to modify the add-on pack for the different applications.

Version Supported

  • 1.0.2
  • 1.0.0

Configuring Palette Generic VM Libvirt Add-on

To configure the Generic-VM-Libvirt add-on pack for the application cluster, begin by editing the manifest namespace value.

cluster-{{ .spectro.system.cluster.uid }}


namespace: jet-system

If multiple instances of this pack have to be deployed on the cluster for different virtual machine applications, then modify '' and 'releaseNameOverride' with distinctive names to make it unique across all the packs in the cluster. vm-app-1

Generic-VM-Libvirt Pack Manifest

# for app cluster, namespace value should be "cluster-{{ .spectro.system.cluster.uid }}"
namespace: jet-system

# if multiple instance of this pack has to be deployed on the cluster for different vm applications
# then modify '' and 'releaseNameOverride' with unique names to make it
# unique across all the packs in the cluster
# vm-app-1
# releaseNameOverride:
# generic-vm-libvirt: vm-app-1

source: "dmacvicar/libvirt"
version: "0.6.14"
name: vm-app-1

# uncomment the below line and comment the above line if the image is present within the host.
# image="/opt/spectrocloud/ubuntu-16.04-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img"
cpu: 2
memory: 6 #in GB
network: ["br-int"]
size: 50 #in GB
pool: ehl_images
- size: 20 #in GB
pool: ehl_data
persisted: true
- size: 25 #in GB
pool: ehl_data
persisted: true
userData: |
# vim: syntax=yaml
# Note: Content strings here are truncated for example purposes.
ssh_pwauth: true
- ubuntu:welcome
expire: false
metaData: |
networkConfig: |
version: 2
dhcp4: true

# preExecCmd & postExecCmd gets executed in each reconcile loop which runs at an interval of ~2 mins
# If you want to run some command or script only whenever VM is getting creating or after VM is destroyed
# then you can use 'preVMInitCmd' and 'postVMInitCmd' respectively
# preExecCmd: "bash /var/files/"
# postExecCmd: "bash /var/files/"

# preVMInitCmd & postVMInitCmd gets executed only when VM is being created/recreated and after VM is created/recreated respectively
preVMInitCmd: ""
postVMInitCmd: ""

# For first time deployment, preVMDestroyCmd won't be invoked. If there is any change in cloud-init then vm resource will get recreated,
# and 'preVMDestroyCmd' will be invoked before deleting VM and once preVMDestroyCmd gets executed successfully, then only VM resource will be deleted.
# Once VM is deleted then before another VM is created, preVMInitCmd will be invoked

# preVMDestroyCmd can also be uded to ssh into vm or call the rest api for the application running inside vm before vm is terminated
# or to download the file and use it later once new vm is provisioned
preVMDestroyCmd: ""

# extraDomainHclConfig: |
# cpu {
# mode = "host-passthrough"
# }

# mounts section can be used to mount data inside existing config maps or secrets into the pod as files where pre and post
# hooks are executed
# so that data present in config map or secret can be accessed while executing pre and post exec hooks
# - name: system-config
# path: /data/system-config
# - name: system-config-2
# path: /data/system-config-2
# - name: system-config
# path: /data/system-config
# - name: system-config-2
# path: /data/system-config-2

# envs section can be used to inject data inside existing config maps or secrets into the pod as env variables
# where pre and post hooks are executed
# so that data present in config map or secret can be accessed while executing pre and post exec hooks
# - name: database-app-config
# dataKey: "db.user"
# - name: database-app-secret
# dataKey: "db.password"

# files present in below section will be added to the pod and will be accessible while executing
# pre and post exec hooks and absolute file path would be '/var/files/<file_name>'
# - name:
# content: |
# #!/bin/bash
# echo "I am pre exec"
# - name:
# content: |
# #!/bin/bash
# echo "I am post exec"

Virtual Machine Hooks

The Generic-VM-Libvirt pack supports various hooks, while deploying VM applications and supports multiple use-cases of customizing workflow, as customers require.

Using preExecCmd and postExecCmd

The preExecCmd and postExecCmd commands will be executed in every pod reconciliation. The loop runs at approximately a 2-minute interval.

If you want to run the command or script only, whenever the virtual machine is getting created or after the virtual machine is destroyed, use preVMInitCmd and postVMInitCmd, respectively.

preExecCmd: "bash /var/files/"
postExecCmd: "bash /var/files/"

Using preVMInitCmd and postVMInitCmd

The preVMInitCmd command is executed, only when the virtual machine is being created or recreated. Likewise, the postVMInitCmd command is executed only after the virtual machine is created or recreated.

Note: These commands will not be executed in each reconciliation.

preVMInitCmd: "echo 'Hey! Hang on tight. I am gonna create a VM.'"
postVMInitCmd: "echo 'Ooho! VM is created.'"

Using preVMDestroyCmd

Any command or script provided in this virtual machine hook will execute before the VM gets destroyed. It will be executed only when the VM is being deleted. A virtual machine deletion can happen for any reason, like changing anything in cloud-init or removing the pack from the profile.

preVMDestroyCmd: ""


During a first-time deployment, preVMDestroyCmd will not be invoked. However, if there is any change in cloud-init, then the VM resource will be recreated, preVMDestroyCmd will be invoked before deleting the VM, and once preVMDestroyCmd is executed successfully, only then will the VM resource be deleted.

Once the virtual machine is deleted and before another virtual machine is created, preVMInitCmd will be invoked.


Files presented in this section will be added to the pod, where the pre-and-post exec hooks are executed.

- name:
content: |
echo "I am pre exec"
- name:
content: |
echo "I am post exec"
extraDomainHclConfig: |
cpu {
mode = "host-passthrough"


Mount the data inside the existing configuration maps or secrets into the pod as files, where pre-and-post hooks are executed. This allows the data present in the configuration map or the secrets file to be accessible while running pre-and-post exec hooks.

- name: system-config
path: /data/system-config
- name: system-config-2
path: /data/system-config-2
- name: system-config
path: /data/system-config
- name: system-config-2
path: /data/system-config-2

Environment Variables

The ENVS section can inject data inside the existing config maps or secrets into the pod as environment variables, where pre-and post-hooks are executed so that data present in the config map or the secret file can be accessed while running pre-and-post exec hooks.

- name: database-app-config
dataKey: "db.user"
- name: database-app-secret
dataKey: "db.password"
